Why Choose Iposi Net?
Superior Support
Years in the industry have ensured that we don't regard support as an afterthought. You can rest assured that we'll be as available prior to installation as we'll be post installation. If you're ever in need of us simply mail support@iposi.net to log a ticket.
Local Distribution
We're South African and proud of it. Having sourced solutions from around the globe we're able to provide a curated range of products available in SA. You're able to chat with us in real-time and with a mutual understanding of the South African market.
Sole Providers
We have the exclusive rights to sell certain products in our bouquet. Not only through South Africa but often into Southern Africa too. Our long-standing relationships within the international IT space created the foundations for mutually beneficial exclusivity.
Personal Care
At the end of the day relationships create the fluidity or friction of business. Although we are a software company, we value the personal as much as the technological. Ensuring that you always feel comfortable enough to engage with transparency and openness.
We have a delightful mix of people that make up Iposi Net- from grey hair to Millennial we collectively have hundreds of years in the industry. This gives us the adaptability and efficiency required to support our customers in the ever changing technological landscape.